Abstract Training

call for proposals

Welcome to the Abstract Preparation Virtual Workshop!

This workshop assesses your current level of knowledge of abstract preparation and provides training modules to address knowledge gaps.

What is included in the workshop?

The workshop provides three levels of training – novice, intermediate, and advanced.

How do I begin?

Follow these steps:

STEP 1 – Take the pre-test to determine your level of knowledge about abstract preparation.

STEP 2 – Based upon your pre-test score, select the training module

STEP 3 – After each module, take the quiz to test your knowledge. If you did not get a perfect score, we recommend you retake that module.

STEP 4 – Once you have completed the training modules through the Advanced, explore other learning in the Resources section of the site

STEP 5 - After you complete the workshop, please give us your feedback via the Evaluation. Let us know if this workshop helped you and how it can be improved.

STEP 6 - Congratulate yourself for leveraging this workshop and seeking to improve your skills as a STEM researcher.

Take the pre-test: