This workshop assesses your current level of knowledge of abstract preparation and provides training modules to address knowledge gaps.
The workshop provides three levels of training – novice, intermediate, and advanced.
Follow these steps:
STEP 1 – Take the pre-test to determine your level of knowledge about abstract preparation.
STEP 2 – Based upon your pre-test score, select the training module
STEP 3 – After each module, take the quiz to test your knowledge. If you did not get a perfect score, we recommend you retake that module.
STEP 4 – Once you have completed the training modules through the Advanced, explore other learning in the Resources section of the site
STEP 5 - After you complete the workshop, please give us your feedback via the Evaluation. Let us know if this workshop helped you and how it can be improved.
STEP 6 - Congratulate yourself for leveraging this workshop and seeking to improve your skills as a STEM researcher.